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JOI 29 MARTIE, ORA 19:00, ASOCIATIA ALETHEA – CENTRUL ANAHATA. Goodness, Presence and Wisdom: an Introduction to Vipassana-Insight Meditation.
Va invitam la o seara de introducere in practica Vipassana-Insight Meditation cu Yanai Postelnik, membru al consililui Gaia House din UK. Sesiunea va fi in limba engleza, cu traducere in romana, doar daca va fi nevoie.
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YANAI POSTELNIK has practiced Insight Meditation and studied Buddhist teachings for many years in Asia, Europe and North America. Since 1992 he has been teaching internationally, and he currently leads retreats in Europe, the USA, Israel and New Zealand. Yanai is a member of the guiding Teacher Council of Gaia House, Devon, England, and a Core Faculty member of the Insight Meditation Society, Barre Massachusetts. Originally from New Zealand, he lives with his wife in Devon, England.