RETURNING TO THE HEART: Vipassana-Insight Meditation weekend cu Yanai Postelnik, 30 Martie-1 Aprilie


Material preluat de pe – organizatorul principal al evenimentului.

RETURNING TO THE HEART: a Vipassana-Insight Meditation weekend with Yanai Postelnik, Gaia House, UK. 30 Martie-1 Aprilie, Asociatia Alethea-Centrul Anahata

Va invitam la un weekend intensiv de practica Vipasssana-Insight cu Yanai Postelnik, membru al consililui Gaia House, si un veteran al acestei traditii. Impreuna cu Yanai vom avea sansa sa aprofundam practica Vipassana-Insight in cadrul invataturilor din traditia veche, Theravada.

Practica din weekend, tinuta in liniste (noble silence) include perioade de meditatie formala si meditatie ghidata focalizand constientizarea corpului, a senzatiilor si a sentimentelor. Vor fi instrucțiuni detaliate de meditație, discuții și perioade de întrebări și răspunsuri

Programul este in limba engleza, cu traducere in romana doar daca va fi nevoie.

Programul esste accesibil si deschis tuturor. Pentru a acoperi cheltuielile de organizare si transport, sugeram o donatie de 150 ron.

Daca doriti sa participati, va rugam completati formularul alaturat:

In cuvintele lui Yanai:

‘The Buddha’s teachings offer a pathway to discover inner peace, freedom and the compassionate heart. This non-residential retreat weekend will focus on cultivating a quality of conscious presence that embraces our mind and body with kindness and wisdom, and supports us to re-connect with what is most important in our lives.

There will be full meditation instructions and opportunities to meet with the teacher. The retreat will be held in silence, and is suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.

All are welcome.’


Vineri 30 martie- 19:00 – 21:30
Sambata 31 martie- 9:00 – 18:30
Duminica 1 aprilie- 9:00 – 18:30

Pentru orice alte detalii ne puteti contacta la: info@yogaepoche

YANAI POSTELNIK has practiced Insight Meditation and studied Buddhist teachings for many years in Asia, Europe and North America. Since 1992 he has been teaching internationally, and he currently leads retreats in Europe, the USA, Israel and New Zealand.

Yanai is a member of the guiding Teacher Council of Gaia House, Devon, England, and a Core Faculty member of the Insight Meditation Society, Barre Massachusetts. Originally from New Zealand, he lives with his wife in Devon, England.